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We Back | MSN Shawty

I guess I should greet everyone Happy New Year, huh? lol With my last post being in August of 2019, I’m sure I have a lot of updating to do. The next few posts will be dedicated to that.

Here we go…

I graduated from Emory University’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing with a Masters of Science (MSN) in Nursing…

and it feels AMAZING to type that.

I started at Emory in January of 2017, taking prerequisites and then transitioning into the accelerated BSN/MSN program. Take a read through my academic journey with these older posts here:

3 years, 105 credits, and almost 1300 clinical hours later, I have left (read: been freed from) Emory with a BSN and an MSN, a wealth of knowledge, and a desire to make a change in the world of nursing. Nursing has challenged me to ask plenty of questions and to never be satisfied with the status quo. To be very honest, when I got to Emory’s campus, I was disappointed by the lack of diversified faculty members. I SOOO desired to find mentors that could guide me and understand my background. God has a very funny way of showing you the things that are important to you. If not for my time at Emory, I would’ve never known that I was so passionate about creating diversified spaces and equal education opportunities for minority students of all backgrounds.

It forced me to ask the tough questions and engage in conversation with my university about ways to ensure that students often overlooked felt as though they had a safe space. It eventually led to co-chartering a chapter of the National Black Nurses Association at Emory and meeting other nurses through this organization. I have been connected with phenomenal nurse scientists, movers and shakers in the world of healthcare administration, and faculty members that have encouraged me to think about my impact on nursing beyond the clinical setting.

So…many of my friends asked “Have you graduated yet? Where are the pictures?” lol. Well here’s the story… My sister and I graduated on the same day and I made the executive decision to skip mine and attend hers from the University of Georgia. Y’all…she’s an absolute genius and will be attending Georgetown Law in the Fall. I would do it all over again if I had to. My amazing husband/personal photographer made sure that I was still able to get amazing photos to celebrate my accomplishment. I LOVE THESE PICTURES.

I’m excited for what’s next. Ya girl is officially certified. A whole blog post to come on that too [I searched and searched and searchedddd for content on this PNP exam and it just doesn’t exist. I want to fix that.] Know anyone interested in the world of pediatrics? Slide it into their inbox. Questions? Feel free to slide them below. I’m so excited to be back to ATBM and I can’t wait to share new posts!

-AsToldByMoyo, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner


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