In the Nurse Practitioner (NP) community, many new grad nurse practitioners have found it difficult to find their “perfect” first position after graduating. When I graduated in December of 2019, I wasn’t sure what my job search would look like. I had prepared my mind that my first position as a new grad NP may not be the most ideal, but it would be a step in the right direction. Because I’m a Nurse Corps Scholar (what is that? more info here + future blog posts to come), I knew that I might have to compromise on things like how long my commute was or even my salary depending on where I found a position because of the requirements I needed to meet. To be quite honest, I was caught between wanting to be realistic and having faith lol. Mistake #1.
When initially selecting a specialty, many told me the Family Nurse Practitioner market was saturated (which was 1) fine with me because I had NO intentions of caring for big people lol and 2) only true depending on the city you reside in). I decided to follow my passion for children and adolescents by pursuing a specialty that was solely focused on them. Always and I mean always follow your passion. As I searched for jobs, I saw NOTHING but FNP positions and I honestly started to get a little discouraged. Mistake #2.
Despite what I saw, I kept searching. I had an awesome friend put me in contact with practice that actually didn't have an opening (yeah, A #GodMoment). After interviewing and accepting a job offer in February of 2020, I was super excited to get started. God had honestly favored me with this position - working with the population that I was most interested in (pediatrics) and meeting everything I was looking for in a position. I was looking at a start month of April…. then COVID hit. So I waited…. and I waited…. and waited….. and waited some more until I felt like I was beginning to get impatient. Mistake #3.
This process has reminded me of some of simple lessons:
1) Faith believes, Faith does, and Faith expects the best. My reality is God’s reality and His reality knows no bounds.
2) Follow your passion. Not the money.
3) Patience is a Fruit of the Spirit.
At last, I’m so happy to share with everyone that I’ll be starting my position on July 1st at a Primary Care site for Pediatrics. Glory be to God, ya girl is employed! I can’t wait to share this journey with my readers! Keep me in your prayers and stay tuned.